
The new Contentsquare logo is a clean, graphic, contemporary and approachable mark.

The brandmark hints at a coming together of the human and digital. It can be seen as a pixel, the building block of all things digital, contained within the heart of the letter C. A more modern, visually friendly wordmark accompanies the brandmark—using upper and lower case to achieve a personal, conversational tone.


Vivid version


Web: PNG | SVG | AI | EPS

Print: JPGAI | EPS

Midnight version


Web: PNG | SVG | AI | EPS

Print: JPGAI | EPS

Reversed version


Web: PNG | SVG | AI | EPS

Print: JPGAI | EPS


Vivid version

RGB_Contentsquare Vertical A Vivid Blue

Web: PNG | SVG | AI | EPS

Print: JPGAI | EPS

Midnight version

RGB_Contentsquare Vertical B Midnight

Web: PNG | SVG | AI | EPS

Print: JPGAI | EPS

Reversed version

RGB_Contentsquare Vertical Reversed

Web: PNG | SVG | AI | EPS

Print: JPGAI | EPS